Don’t wait for luck to find you, MAKE your own luck at Fathom!

At Fathom, YOU are your brand, and we fully support you in building your business. So, stop waiting for luck to find you and make your own luck at Fathom. We are waiving onboarding fees through March 31, 2023, so learn more today!

Speaking of making your own luck, what would you do with more leads? What would five quality leads mean for your business? Ten leads? 20 leads? What if you could get those leads without paying a fortune? If you want to generate more leads, NOW is the time to take action! Here are three resources to help!

29 Ways to Generate Leads
If you’re not generating enough leads for your business, NOW is the time to take action. Download your FREE Guide to 29 Ways to Generate Leads in this changing market.

5 Strategies to Build a Hyperlocal Brand
Don’t wait until your leads dwindle to nothing. Instead, download our FREE resource, 5 Strategies to Build a Hyperlocal Brand, today!

7 Steps to Convert Business From Your Sphere of Influence
Are you growing your sphere of influence and converting those relationships into clients? Are you ready to stop waiting for your business to grow?

Call me (Brett) 216–703–5740 Fathom Realty or Whatsapp me



Brett Young Doing 100's and 100's of homes

Real Estate agent for the last 24 years. Top Agent at Fathom Realty and District Director , Formally ICON Agent for EXP Realty 3 Times and Real Estate Coach