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Real Estate Strategies That Work
This property was leased SOOOOO Fast I did not get final pics or video. The tenants that we leased to have been in this property since 2021. That means they have been in this property for 34 months and paid all rent on time and little to no maintenance.
Let’s look at the approx. numbers on this property…..
Lease $1200 Tax $187 Insurance $60 P/M $80 Net $873 x 12 months= $10,476
The lease was lifted in 2022 to $1300 a month for 13 months’ let’s look at these Approx. numbers
Lease $1300 Tax $228 insurance $60 P/M $104 Net $908 x 13= $11,804
The lease was lifted again to $1365 a month in Feb 2024 let’s look at those approx. numbers
Lease $1365 Tax $240 Insurance $60 P/M $125 Net $940 x 9 months= $8460
The grand Total is $30,740
We paid $90,000 for this property and added $22,925 (New Garage) for a total of $112,925
This property is worth Approx. $185,000 — $112,925= $72,075