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What does a real estate agent do all day anyway?
What a Realtor does all day is a lot of different things. Let’s look at some of the everyday items that a Realtor has to deal with in order to be one.
“From a consumer’s first thought about making a real estate move to actually taking the leap (whether that means right now, next month or three years from now), the agent is incubator, initiator, action-taker, coordinator, scheduler, personal concierge, resource person, problem-solver, mediator, miracle worker, red-tape cutter, transaction manager and chief make-it-happen officer of everything else that doesn’t fall into the prior categories”
Today I have to call a Inspector for a home inspection Tuesday and open escrow on the property. All the paperwork still has to go over to the lender so that the loan can get started.
I also have a listing I have to get all the paperwork ready for and look for more properties for an international client. Lastly I need to call back potential renters of two of our properties we have listed. Oh yea I am also going to an open house this evening.
A Realtor also has to know the computer and software that run the systems for offers. There is a lot of misc paperwork that needs to be filed with an offer and knowing how to get that paperwork takes software knowledge. Software and…